PRE IMPACT an international environmental, social and governance development foundation is pleased to launch its professional certification program with ATS, USGBC and the AIA.

Continuing to lead individuals, companies and organizations through its rigorous, high performing ESG-Grade sustainable building professional credential. Whether your a developer, financier, architect, designer, engineer, builder, contractor, sustainability practitioner, asset manager, real estate professional, marketeer, techie, program administrator, organization, company, project owner or even an individual looking for a new opportunity then the iESG standardized professional certification is for you.

Learn more about the iESG certification modules below and get ready to become the built environments world leader because the iESG certification is the highest performing sustainable building standard period. The first certification pilot program is free so don’t loose out on a tremendous amount of measurable value and book your seat today to become a part of the world’s sustainable building elite!


Q1 Modules 90 Minutes
8:00am pst/11:00am est/17:00 cet

Module 1:Landuse
July 2nd 2024 & July 11th 2024

Module 2: Zero Carbon
July 18th 2024 & July 23rd 2024

Module 3: Net Zero Energy
July 30th 2024 & August 1st 2024

Module 4: Material Circularity
August 6th 2024 & August 8th 2024

Module 5: Zero Net Water
August 20th 2024 & August 22nd 2024

Module 6: Decarbonization
August 27th 2024 & September 3rd

Module 7: Social Design & Inclusion
September 5th 2024 & September 10th 2024

Module 8: Governance Best Practices
September 12th 2024 & September 17th 2024

Module 9: Project Management
September 19th 2024

Module 10: Asset Admin & iESG Certificate
September 30th 2024


With the iESG professional certification your value is

  1. Scientific, technical and market-based expert in ESG-Grade sustainably developed, planned, financed, built and operated environments
  2. Steer, guide and navigate regulatory legislation and risks facing your industry
  3. Stay well ahead of the sustainability, ESG and climate curve with valuable, Phd practical and proven b2b and b2c best-in class solution
  4. A built-in world class whole product lifecycle network

    Certification Program



    ° Defining nature-based solutions

    ° Measuring property parcels

    ° Calculating carbon sequestration



    ° Defining embodied carbon and using LCA’s

    ° Measuring all building materials, products and AEC supply chain impacts

    ° Calculating the whole built envelope footprint with tools that are easily translatable in labeled climate processes, offsets, etc.



    ° Defining net zero energy, electrification and passive design techniques

    ° Measuring onsite renewable energy and direct green power purchasing by electrical use breakdown, building type and climate zone for high performing EUI and whole built envelope carbon balancing and reductions

    ° Using passive design measures and principles for core and shell energy efficiency and enhanced  thermal, air radiation, and moisture envelopes’

    ° Calculating the whole built envelope footprint with toolsets that are easily translatable in energy sectors, building codes, high performing buildings and corporate protocol scopes.



    ° Defining material waste in circularity and using onsite waste to energy techniques

    ° Measuring the upcycling of building material waste from demolition by material type and weight for carbon reductions

    ° Converting waste to energy for renewable energy production and calculating the waste reduction by mass

    ° Calculating the whole built envelope footprint with toolsets that are easily translatable in waste management, recycling facilities and carbon reduction credits



    ° Defining zero net water and using closed loop water processing design

    ° Measuring potable water, non-potable water and rain water capture to achieve up to one-hundred percent water recyclability

    ° Calculating the whole built envelope footprint with toolsets that are easily translatable in water efficiency measures and waster water treatment



    ° Defining property land area, demolition, product specification and renewables impact  on the built envelope’s carbon balance

    ° Calculating the carbon reductions from property land area, demolition, product specification and renewables that decarbonize the measured built envelope

    ° Summing the whole built envelope footprint with toolsets that are easily translatable in any sector



    ° Defining key materiality in the built environment’s social and governance development and performance

    ° Measuring actual onsite health and safety by preventative measures and injuries

    ° Calculating value chain inclusion by stakeholders and material supply chain

    ° Summing the whole built envelope footprint with toolsets that are easily translatable for corporate protocol scope three, social responsibility and health and safety initiatives



    ° Defining governance asset materiality at the institutional performance level

    ° Measuring financed emissions by scope, attribution factor and emissions intensity that result in decarbonized portfolios

    ° Calculating real asset risk by physical climate risk and risk-adjusted valuation

    ° Incorporating middle market affordable housing by area and unit number

    ° Summing the whole built envelope footprint with toolsets that are easily translatable for capital markets, asset/project owners, REITs, scope three on-balance sheet loans and investments

    ° Automating portfolio targets/trajectories by decarbonized real asset



    ° ESG-GRADE Sustainable Building processes by task, timeline and dependency

    ° ESG-Grade Sustainable Building project management best practices, guides and tools



    ASSET ADMIN & iESG Certificate

    ° Assets & Content Resource Hub